Monday, September 29, 2014

Il Fine: My Return from Italy


(by the way, the title is pronounced "ill feen-ay" - it's Italian, obviously ;) )

Well I feel like quite a dunce. How did I think it was okay to write all these blogposts about my adventures in Italy and then not write one last post about my journey home, to wrap things up? Silly, that’s what it is – extremely silly.
I figure it’s better than nothing to write about it now, because there was quite a lot that went on that I think would make a good story (in the way that my traipsing through Italy, totally lost, with wet and cold shoes for hours is a “good story”) however, there will probably be some details that I’ll leave out simply because it’s been months. I must say, though, that I do remember very much about the 24 hours revolving around and during my trip, I suppose because I was hyper vigilant and super excited to be getting home.
I guess let’s begin, shall we?
The week of May 25th was finals week, and I was determined to blast through all of them no sweat (and I did). Two were on Monday, and the other two were back-to-back Wednesday morning, so I was completely and officially done with the academic realm of my semester abroad at 11:30AM, two and a half entire days before my flight. Honestly, and I told some of my classmates this when they asked me if I was staying longer, if I had known my last final was Wednesday before noon, I would have had my plane ticket booked for the earliest flight after that on Wednesday. However, I didn’t know the exam schedule, and neither did I know when I bought the plane tickets that I’d be wanting to get home so bad to see a certain someone and my family. I played it safe and scheduled the flight well after finals would be over.
Well, that left me two and a half days to pack and sleep and essentially just wait for the blasted time for me to leave for the airport.
I ended up packing the afternoon of Wednesday, because I was just that excited by the prospect, even though I was exhausted from my morning of exams. My big bag, carry on, and back pack were preliminarily packed before I even ate lunch!
What in the heck was I supposed to do all day Thursday AND most of the day Friday?!
It was maddening, truly.
Wednesday evening I went out to get pizza with my two closest friends I had made while abroad (the Argentinian, Sophia, and the Australian, Elizabeth) as a sort of farewell after exams, since everything was wrapping up. I ate so much.
I regret nothing.

Thursday morning I got up at noon. What? Sleep made the time go faster, and also, I like sleep, though it doesn’t seem to like me as much.
That day I wrote up a to-do list and it consisted of very basic things, but it kept me a little busy, at least. Using the remaining food tickets I had, I wandered to the grocery store only a four-minute walk from my apartment and bought a bunch of Italian goodies to bring home and bestow upon my family. I’d bought some fun trinkets in Venice, like magnets and such, but these were consumables. Tasty, tasty consumables.
I mainly bought a ton of Lindt chocolate bars (dark chocolate, the 85% stuff for my parents and brother, because they go through it like crazy), these chocolate and hazelnut bars called “bueno bars” (they really like the flavor hazelnut in Italy, I found), and two 750ml bottles of the best, most delicious olive oil I had cooked with, for my mom, because she started being an olive oil snob so I figured some 100% Italian, made-in-Italy oil would make her happy (these bottles were thick glass and also very heavy). I wish I could have safely brought back some Italian Coca-Cola, because that stuff was heavenly, somehow even better than the stuff in Peru (sorry! Inca Cola still holds my heart though <3 o:p="">
After bringing all that home, I rearranged my bags a little to fit everything in, so I was already at the point of only needing to pack my toiletries and other last-minute items that I still needed to use before I set off on Friday evening.
Using the remaining olive oil I had bought for the kitchen, I decided to do a homemade olive oil hair treatment that supposedly helps keep it healthy and makes it feel nice (confirmed: it does). So I sat for a while at my computer with a towel around my shoulders like a cape and a plastic bag wrapping up my hair.

I made lunch (pasta – surprise!) and played Pokémon Yellow on an emulator while watching old episodes of the original Pokémon series online before showering for a nice long while and rinsing out the olive oil.
I basically bided my time by Pokémoning for hours and hours until I got tired enough to fall asleep. Friday morning I awoke with nervous and excited energy vibrating in my limbs. The hours until lift off were counting down, and that’s when I realized that time is actually pretty reliable – it will always move forward. Sometimes it will feel slower or faster, but it will never go backward, it will always continue, and I clutched to this idea. Steadfastly.
I had to force myself to eat lunch before I finalized packing and making sure everything was weighed decently. This is when things started to get…interesting.
Using the scales I had dragged out of the bathroom, I hefted up my bags one at a time to see around what they weighed in at, and both my carry on (which would actually serve as my second checked bag) and my massive bag were each either right at 50lbs or a little over, and this made me nervous. I didn’t want to leave anything behind (there wasn’t really anything I could without feeling bad) so I prayed the lady at the check in counter in the airport wouldn’t be so focused on the exactness of the weight. When I checked in to go to Italy back in February, seeing how much my bags weighed seemed to be the least of their worries, so I desperately hoped this remained the case.
By around 4pm I was as happy as I would ever be with packing, and started the final preparations before leaving, which meant taking out the garbage and recycling as well as cleaning out the fridge of things that would go bad. I grabbed up my bags, and by quarter to 5, I was outta there.
And so, with a 50lb bag handle grasped in each hand and a 20lb backpack slung over my shoulders, I was rolling down the street on my way to the metro.
Here’s where things get a little complicated.
As I have mentioned in previous posts, the public transportation system in Italy is known for strikes, and one just so happened to pop up on Friday. The day I needed the metro to be functioning fine to get to the train station to get to the airport.
It turns out that the metro was only going to be operating between about 3 and 6pm all day. That was it. My flight would leave after midnight, so I only needed to be at the airport by 9. This provided a frustratingly tiny, and early, window for me.
So I built up my courage, and lugged those bags like it was nothing down the sidewalk and down the stairs into the metro. I stuffed myself like the Ricotta cheese inside of Manicotti in the train car with my massive bulk, which earned me many a frown, but I seriously could not care less, because I was in the process of getting home, and no one would scare me out of doing that successfully.
When it was my stop, I shoved my way through everyone before the doors locked me in. There was no elevator at this stop, so I bolstered all my 110lb strength (yes the combined weight of all my bags outweighed me) and dragged them up the steps. There was a man behind me on the train, probably only a few years older than me, who was walking up the stairs and he gave me a look, shook his head as he muttered a soft Italian word, and grabbed the handle of my biggest bag to help me get it up the steps.
I was sweating profusely already, and was very appreciative of his help. My arms were already screaming at me, and while the hardest part of the journey was over, there was still much to come. I was managing okay, and yes, I could have been smarter about this whole thing. Oh well.
I waited in line at the train station, and of course as I’m rolling along I am getting all these strange looks because the sight really must have been amusing and yet terrifying. Got my ticket, and off toward the turnstiles I went.
I had to time sliding the ticket into the slot with ramming my bags between the automatic swinging doors because the window was small (obviously they assume there only needs to be enough time for one body to get through), so I hurriedly jammed myself through without much fault.
Except for the fact that I left my ticket on the other side.
I had learned from my experience on this train coming into Italy from the airport that you needed it to verify to the guys that came around checking tickets that you had legitimately bought one and weren’t just taking a free ride, so of course I started panicking. What would they do if they realized I didn’t have a ticket? I had the receipt of the purchase, but would that be enough to explain my cause? Could they toss me off the train at the nearest stop? Could they send me back? What would they do?
It must have been rush hour for the train, because there were absolutely no seats left in any of the cars, and it was standing room only (barely). I ended up cramming my bags into the designated area for luggage, and actually sat on top of them underneath the rack, so that I was under the window and all I could see was knees and feet. I hoped that the fact I was in with the luggage would deter anyone from looking for me there, so I wouldn’t have to show a ticket. It was a weak argument, I know, but I was desperate. Aside from that, I prayed the entire way that no one would come around verifying tickets. Honestly it was way too packed for them to have gotten to everyone, anyway. I grasped to this.
I had been trembling more or less since the threshold of my apartment, with excitement and also blatant nervousness. There were so many variables at play in getting from my apartment to the airport that many things could easily go wrong, and I was deathly afraid of this. All I wanted was to get home, but it wasn’t so easy as clicking some high heels together and hoping with all my heart.
Thankfully I made it to the airport stop without having to cry and explain myself to the train guys, so in my relief, I rolled off the train with tired arms and banged up knees and up the elevator, following signs for Aeroflot and where the check in desk would be for my flight.
It was maybe 6-7pm when I got there and found a place to settle in, sit down, and take a breather. I had several hours to kill before my plane would take off, so I turned on my iPod and watched a movie I had loaded onto it (Eat, Pray, Love – how fitting, right?). After a couple hours of rest, I wandered upstairs to the check in desks and found some chairs right by where Aeroflot would be once the time came, found some wifi, and excitedly logged on to report to my parents how things were going.

(^^ Casually-taken "selfie" at the airport.)

It was quarter to 11pm when the desk finally opened and I got checked in. This didn’t leave me enough time to comfortably get through security, but I couldn’t do much about it.
I waited in line anxiously, trying to get a reading on how closely the ladies were checking the weight of the bags of people in front of me. The lady I got didn’t give a crap, she told me to load both my checked bags on the scale at the same time, tagged them, and I watched them go. Another relieved breath, and some more tension unraveled from my shoulders.
It took me 14 minutes to breeze through all of security and get to my gate. The airport wasn’t busy whatsoever – I never had to wait in those bothersome lines where people were unlacing their shoes and accidentally walking through the metal detectors with keys and change still in their pockets so that the rest of us become impatient and irate.
Everything was suddenly so uncomplicated, ever since I had let my checked bags go, and I really distinctly felt that I was meant to be going home. Nothing was in my way, and everything that could have very effortlessly gone wrong, did not. A path was being cleared for me and I was sprinting headlong down it.

(Gate "selfie." See that joy? Yeah.)

I watched another movie while waiting at my gate, and thankfully found an outlet to perch by. Once this plane took off, I’d be headed to my long layover in Moscow, but the flight itself didn’t take long at all.
I managed to get some crappy shuteye on the flight, but since I was still so hyped with the nervous/excited energy, I knew sleeping was going to be a tough thing to wrangle up, and anyway, the brevity of the flight didn’t allow me enough time to get very deep.
I got into Moscow and at my next gate somewhere between 6:30-7:30AM Saturday, Moscow time (it was 10:30PM our time, Friday). For three hours, I read a book on my phone and listened to music alongside many others who had arrived for the long layover. It was at this point that I felt my shoulders really beginning to complain about the load of my backpack, as well as the fact that bruises were starting to appear on my shins and knees from kicking around my bags to get them rolling. My arms were limp noodles jammed into my shoulder sockets from dragging those hefty things around.

(Do I look tired?)

Needless to say, I was going to be exceedingly grateful once I finally was able to unpack and say bye bye to those bags for a while.
One of the most quirky and fun things about flying back from Moscow was the fact that my plane was leaving at 10:25AM, Saturday, and I landed in Virginia at noon:50, Saturday. The flight was 10-11 hours long, but I was landing what would seem like two and a half hours later.
Time zones, man.
As we hopped back across the time zones, I experienced 11 o’clock for several hours in a row. It felt like some Doctor Who stuff was going on.
Unsurprisingly, the flight took forever. I knew time would keep moving forward, as I said earlier, but man did it tease me so hard. It was like someone fat-fingered the slow-mo button or something. I tried reading, but that didn’t pass the time like I wanted it to. I tried sleeping, but that was difficult and also didn’t pass the time very well.
My eyes were incredibly dry from the recycled cabin air and the person next to me’s foot kept slipping under the armrest and pressing against my thigh (she was kind of curled up into a ball). The time was ticking by, but it could not come fast enough.
Praise the Lord I landed at 12:30, twenty whole minutes earlier than planned! My fingers were shaking so much as I texted my mom officially declaring that I was back on US soil. My heart thundered in my chest, threatening to pry open my ribs and spring free.
I was so ready to reconnect with them that I honestly had to restrain myself from shoving through people that were moving too slow, because I had waited over 100 days for that day, and I would not sacrifice one more minute if I could help it.
At 1:30, after taxiing, tram-riding, and passport-control-clearing, I got my luggage and wheeled down the hallway, stomach so full to the brim with butterflies it was becoming difficult to breathe properly. I could sense that they were all nearby, and I yearned so hard to round that final corner and see them.
I sped through two propped open double doors into a big room with bright lights, and when I turned, the tears came, and I ran.
My parents and brother were waiting in a little pod not too far away. I ignored my screaming arms, burning eyes, and somersaulting stomach, and booked it across the broad floor. I threw the handles from my hands and jumped into my dad’s arms, the bags falling to the floor with two loud cracks.
It was real. I was home.
I was home.
I hugged my brother and my mother, who held me much like my dad, with strong embraces and tearfully joyous words murmured into my ear.

Italy was great and wonderful, don’t get me wrong – I learned quite a bit about myself, among many other things – but my heart wasn’t completely happy while I was there. Now, standing in the airport, in the company of my family, my heart was dancing uncontrollably on my ribcage doubling as a dance floor. The bliss was so immense, I drowned in it, with pleasure.

Nothing could take that teary smile from my face.

Ciao, Italia, and hello home.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

My Writing Journey (So Far)

Hello all~

             Today I added another finished (rough draft) book to my collection, which makes

My first actual novel I began and finished during NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, which is in November - you've got 30 days to write 50,000 words: of 2010, almost four years ago. Let's rewind a bit first - I'm feeling story time! 

I wrote my very first ever chapter story completely from my imagination around Christmas of 2007, and that ended up being 14 pages (7,500 words) in Word, which was monumental for the time and I was very proud (let me put it into perspective - I was thirteen years old). Keep in mind, the stories themselves were pretty dumb, but the essence was cool, at least to my teenage brain. And I didn't stop. I wrote a sequel (9 pages, 5,000 words), a third installment (a whopping 27 pages and 15,000 words!), AND a fourth one (34 pages, 17,600 words), AAAAND I began to write a fifth book but I guess I got busy or something because I just dropped it (only got to be 4,000 words anyway, and if I recall, the story was starting to get suuuuper cray). All of these were written before an entire year passed. When I was 13-14 years old, I dedicated 49,100 words to this idea I had, and I wrote it all in a year. (I hadn't ever actually gone back to see how many words they were or added them up, so this is even very intriguing as well as surprising to me). I can easily say, in writing those dumb stories, I fell completely and utterly in love with writing.

So, back to my first real novel in 2010. Between 2007/2008 and 2010, I wrote little blurbs of things, short stories and whatever. During the summer of 2010, I had the incredible pleasure of participating in the Young Writers Workshop at UVA for 3 intensive weeks of nothing but writing, which is the event in my life that really jump started my serious writing journey. However, I didn't pick up the idea of trying to write a full-length novel until I was introduced to NaNoWriMo that year. I got really excited by the idea and figured what the heck, I'd try it. I'd pledge to write at least 50,000 words on a piece of fiction of mine in a month. Now, before, I had written almost 50,000 words over the course of an entire year. Granted, I had grown up a little since then, but to cram all that work into 30 days? It seemed daunting, incredibly so, at first. But then I started writing on the idea, just kept writing and writing, and I got it done in a month. At it's finished stage, it came out at 53,600 words. My first novel was born, November of 2010. After that, it's obvious that I simply couldn't stop writing.

That next summer, 2011, I wrote a novella, 29,500 words. NaNoWriMo that same year, I wrote another novel, 52,400 words. That next year, 2012, is when things started to get serious. I was becoming tired of writing one-book stories - I needed something more, at least a book and a sequel or something. I had been sketching out and tossing around ideas for three separate books revolving basically around the same idea, within the same universe, for years. Years. (Some of the word documents holding the sketches and ideas dated back to my time in Peru, which was over 3 years ago.) It was NaNoWriMo of 2012, during my very first Freshman semester, that I penned the first idea. It's 92,700 words. I had broken the 50,000 word barrier I was under for the first three; I could never seem to get much past it. So this satisfied me for a while, but then, the sequel grew, and then it grew into a trilogy. The sequel, which I penned last summer (2013), turned out 54,600 words. And, friends, I'm telling you all this, because today marks the day that I finished my first trilogy. The third installment weighed in at 54,500, before I've gotten a chance to read back through it and do some quick revisions and additions. Just a couple hours ago, I declared the rough rough draft complete. I am the proud owner of a trilogy. And you may not care, which is okay with me, because I'm pretty darn pumped about it.

The little take-away from this story (if you’re a writer and you care about these things) I can give you is that starting and finishing that very first full-length novel idea is tough. Goodness, it is sooooo touuuugh. I've started millions of things, and finished only these. Some of them I'd rather pitch, but they're my babies and we're proud of each other. So just write, okay? If you want to write a novel, do it. Don't psych yourself out, don't demoralize yourself - just. do it. That first one is hard, but any after that are so much easier, because you have proved to yourself that yes, you can write a novel, because hey YOU'VE ALREADY DONE IT! NaNoWriMo proved the perfect kick in the pants to motivate me to do just that, so if a countdown helps you, then I encourage you to try that. Now that I'm in college, it's hard to find the time in November to write a novel, so now I just do them over Winter and Summer break ;)

Writing is hard, I know. But to be able to step back and take a look at that rough idea all laid out, well...that's one of the sweetest feelings an author can experience.



Sunday, May 25, 2014

High-speed Trains & High-speed Days

First and foremost, I apologize for the lateness of this post. Almost a whole week has gone by since I traveled to Florence! This past week was long and tiring, mainly due to the fact that it was the last week of classes and us students are therefore preparing for finals in the coming days. I’m sure it also felt long because my day in Florence was packed with so much stuff, it in itself seemed to last a couple days.
Well, with the apology over, let’s get this post started, shall we?
Florence is southeast from Milan, about 185 miles away (which is a 3 hour and 17 minute journey by car) and it only took me 2 hours via the “Alta Velocità” train I rode.

My train got in around 11AM and the station is conveniently located very close to a church, which I used as my landmark to get back later. This church is called Santa Maria Novella. (Warning: there are several churches in this area with “santa maria” in them, so just bear with me – it does get confusing.)

I didn’t venture inside this one because I wanted to make sure I spent enough time at the famous Florence Duomo (the one with Brunelleschi’s dome), so I snapped a few pictures of Novella’s lovely face and promptly moved on.
Armed with screenshots of maps and my bettering map skills, I really began my trek through Florence. The next place of note on my list to hit on the way to the Duomo was Basilica San Lorenzo. It’s got a pretty dome, but kind of an ugly face. At least the history of it is pretty neat.

(Soon, Duomo. Soon. I see you peekin'.)

Following the basilica, I headed to the Duomo, whose full name is Santa Maria del Fiore, though it’s more popularly known as the Florence Duomo. I had been informed weeks ago of the magnificence of the cathedral and the dome by some family friends (thanks Stinar’s ;) ) and after doing some research of my own, it became clear very quickly what my main mission in Florence would be – to explore this beauty inside and out, from above and below.
So I did.
Once she came into full view, I had to stand back and admire her. How could I not?

I then went and waited in line for about half an hour for an all-inclusive ticket that only cost me 10 euro. It was well worth it. And there was a neat sketch someone had done while they waited in line, too.

I proceeded to seek out the line of people awaiting entrance to the dome, which was fortunately simple, though unfortunately long. I waited another hour before I was granted entrance. The excitement of actually being there and getting the chance to see the dome fueled my positive mood, so the waiting pace was decent and I knew it would be worth it.
The hike to the top of the dome is not for the claustrophobic or the weak-hearted, let me just say that right now. There were many stone hallways that got to be maybe one and a half people wide, as well as spiral stone staircases and hundreds of steep steps. Four hundred and sixty three of them, in fact. (Don’t forget to factor in going up AND down!)
Aside from kicking my lungs into overdrive and working my knees like I swear I’ve never done before, the only unpleasant thing was that the narrow hallways stunk so wretchedly of BO, I had to breathe through the fabric of my jacket sleeve. All of these things were swept to the background of my mind very quickly, however, the closer and closer I got to the top.
There is a walkway that rims the inside of the dome and connects one staircase to another, which allowed my lungs to suck in some fresher air as well as get a closer look at the frescoes painted on the inner dome. They were done somewhere between 1572 and 1579 by Giorgio Vasari and Frederico Zuccari. It’s hard to see in any of my pictures (dim cathedral lighting), but the entire thing depicts the Last Judgment. The figures in the paintings are massive and done with exquisite detail. “Impressive” doesn’t even cover it.

After a brief rest while admiring the frescoes, it was onward and upward. More crazy steep stairs!

Oh but the view at the top was phenomenal.

(I’ll be in that bell tower soon too!)

The trek down from the dome was much easier because it was pretty much just controlled falling. My feet were grumbling, but I couldn’t care less. And anyway, there was still so much to see!
I got in the line meant for the cathedral so I could poke my head in and see what the inside of the dome (and church) was like. The Florence Duomo is one of the top four largest Duomos in Italy (the Milan Duomo being one of those four as well), so I figured it would be big and beautiful. The line went much faster than the dome, and I got up right to the front where there were security guards of sorts. One of them eyed me up and down, caught my attention and told me “no shorts” before pointing me away.
I couldn’t believe it. It was upper-70s out and my shorts weren’t that short. I stiffly walked off a little ways away and stood in disbelief mixed with tiny twitches of frustration. There was no way I traveled that far just to be turned away from seeing the marvelousness of the cathedral because of my shorts. I would get in, oh one way or another.
I stood for ten minutes in front of the church under the guise of admiring the façade, when really the gears were turning in my head and schemes were being schemed. I was determined to strut into that cathedral, someway somehow.
The final idea I rested on was to wrap my long jacket around my legs like a skirt, then use my messenger bag to cover the slit of space where the jacket couldn’t reach. Like so:

Abra cadabra, alakazam! I have a skirt, but it’s all a sham!
I got into the cathedral without a fuss. (:

The cathedral was indeed huge and gorgeous. I was able to get a better look at the frescoes under the dome, too, which was nice. Thankfully the dimness didn’t make all my pictures look like junk.
After traipsing around, staring at the ceiling for most of the time, I chose to go down into a basement sort of area under the church where they had original flooring and other very old artifacts.

Following that, I decided to power through the hike up to the top of the bell tower (Giotto’s Campanile) mentioned (and seen) earlier. (For you AC gamers, this campanile as well as the church can be found in ACII!) This tower has 414 stairs and no lift. I was huffing and puffing at the top again, though I easily paid it no mind once I saw the view. (This must be what Ezio felt like.)

(If you look closely you can see people on the top of the dome. They look so itty bitty, it provides a good way to gauge just how massive this dome really is.)
Gorgeous. So gorgeous.
I was so worn out by the fall down, though already thoroughly satisfied with what portion of Florence I had seen. I spent four and a half hours alone on the Duomo and the things associated with it. Was that too much? Not at all. Was it worth going up and down nearly 900 stairs? Heck yes.
The Duomo was easily the highlight of my Florence trip. I was intoxicated by it in all its marvelous glory. It could have started pouring and my mood wouldn’t have shone any less.
There were still a few sights left to see before I headed back to the train station, so I dragged my weary feet in the general direction of Piazza di Signoria, where a replica of the David stands alongside many other statues. I saw Palazzo Vecchio, too, which is located in the same piazza. It was pretty neat, but really nothing could compare to the Duomo.

I took just a few minutes to wander inside Palazzo Vecchio’s courtyard before deciding to walk to a famous bridge nearby, called Ponte Vecchio. The bridge itself was quite a sight, but the view from the bridge was also beautiful. I love the warm colors that are sprinkled all over Italy in the way the Italians paint their houses.


The Chiesa di Santa Maria del Carmine was up next on my list, so I wandered there. It was a more secluded area, much more off the tourist-beaten path, which was nice. I’d had my fair share of being bumped against by strangers in dimly lit hallways. She’s got a bit of an ugly face, but on the inside she’s beautiful.

Very close by was the Basilica di Santa Maria del Santo Spirito, which looks much different than the previous church. I was only able to snap a few pictures of the outside since tours through the inside were closed up for the day, but I wasn’t dismayed by this. To come and see these churches at all was a great experience.

One last church. This one was called Basilica di Santa Croce, and looks very similar to Santa Maria Novella, the first church I saw. She’s a bit of a stiff looking structure, but still very pretty.

My legs and feet determined that I was done for the day, regardless of whether I had any other sights to see. Thankfully I did not, so I followed the signs as well as my own maps and wove my slumping way through the streets to the train station. I passed by the Duomo one last time and said my goodbyes.
I wandered through a street full of shops and passed one that was playing “That Don’t Impress Me Much” by Shania Twain. I couldn’t not smile. Who expects to go to Florence and hear Shania Twain? Certainly not me. It’s comical because Shania Twain’s music was very prominent throughout my childhood, so the songs hold more meaning for me than someone just passing by. It’s also funny because the entire day in Florence I had been impressed by everything. Well played, shop owners, well played.
I arrived at the train station (note: I didn't get lost the entire day!) with a good bit of time to spare, so I sniffed out a place to sit and collapsed onto it. Though I was tired and achy out of my mind, I was happy. The day took quite a bit out of me physically, but mentally it was reinvigorating. It made the last two weeks of my time in Italy seem like an even bigger piece of cake to take on.
My day wasn’t over yet, however. When I got on the train, I happened to sit next to an Italian who knew some English and happened to be the founder of a design company based in Milan that makes furniture. ( He’s the first one, Giordano.) He saw me flipping through my Florence pictures on my phone and commented on how beautiful they were, in Italian, of course. He quickly found out that I was American, and we ended up having a conversation using my broken Italian and his English for the duration of the ride. It was quite unexpected, to say the least, but very amusing.
Once we got to the station, we both determined we were using the metro to get home, and it was late and dark outside (about 10-11PM), so he made sure to walk me to the metro entrance, saying on the way there that he wouldn’t feel comfortable leaving me by myself so late at night due to the nature of the station. That was something I hadn’t thought of when I booked the trip, honestly, but I’m really glad I was able to find a kind soul to help me out in that small way.
He told me to send him some of my pictures because he could possibly use them in his 3D models of the furniture he designs, and we parted with that. I dragged myself through the metro and down the street to my apartment, where I promptly fell in a heap onto my bed.
It had been a long, long day, but every second had been worth it.
Now, almost a week later, I only have six days left in Milan. It’s seriously ridiculous, but I’m ready for it. It’s been an amazing three months, but it will be so nice to be back in familiarity. All that stands between me and that plane ride home are finals. Woo!
This will most likely be my last Italy-related post, though it’s possible I’ll write about my trip home. Depends on how interesting it is. Well, in any case, thank you to those of you who have followed my trip via this blog – I hope I have provided you with some entertainment! It's been quite a ride!
Till next time,

V xoxo