Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Snuffing the Candle

Ah, here we are once again, and also for the last time.
This summer has proven very productive and I thank those of you that have followed my progress. It's been fun, but now that I'm back at college, preparing to begin my Sophomore year, I am ready for summer to be over and to start classes. I'm very excited for the line-up this semester - lots of great classes and teachers! 

Here's my final report of progress. Looks like I was able to manage to read one book per week (give or take) and watched one movie every few days. Writing the book took a month and a half, but I finished it! That was the main goal of the summer, and I got it done. Huzzah! I think I will do something similar to this next year as well. I like to-do lists more than is good for me, I think....


Inheritance (of the Inheritance Cycle by Paolini) (5/11)
The Girl who Played with Fire (5/20)
Man's Search for Meaning (5/25)
The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest (5/31)
City of Bones (6/7)
City of Ashes (6/14)
City of Glass (6/23)
Clockwork Angel (7/15)
Clockwork Prince (7/20)
Clockwork Princess (7/25)
The Fellowship of the Ring (8/6)
The Two Towers (8/9)
The Return of the King (8/23)


Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (4/28-5/08)
Wreck-it-Ralph (5/07)
Cats Don't Dance (re-watch) (5/14)
Dinosaurs: We're Back! (5/14)
Road to El Dorado (re-watch) (5/20)
The Fountain (5/22)
Saving Private Ryan (5/24)
Swan Princess (5/31)
Swan Princess: Escape from Castle Mountain (5/31)
Swan Princess: The Mystery of the Enchanted Treasure
 (for old time's sake; I was obsessed with these movies as a child!) (6/1)
The Road (6/8)
500 Days of Summer (6/9)
The Possession (6/13)
Matrix Trilogy (re-watch) (6/15)
Avengers (rewatch) (7/2)
Phantom of the Opera (rewatch) (7/3)
Thor (7/3)
Bachelorette (7/4)
Mean Girls (rewatch) (7/4)
Tarzan (rewatch) (7/5)
Despicable Me (7/5)
Déjà vu (7/7)
The Island (7/10)
Hell's Kitchen [season 10] (7/7 – 7/16)
American Psycho (7/17)
Tron Legacy (7/26)
Elektra (7/27)
Pretty Woman (7/27)
Legion (8/6)
Fried Green Tomatoes (8/10)


Bioshock (6/3 – 3:55 PM to 11:58 PM = 8 hour completion)
Halo: Reach (6/4 – 9 hrs: 16 mins: 48 seconds on one day)
Bioshock Infinite (7/17 – around 8 hours for completion) Halo: Combat Evolved
Halo 2
Halo 3


Revise the living daylights out of first book in trilogy (5/21)
Outline second book (6/28)
Write prequel-sequel book (7/1 - 8/19) 

Well, here I am on the brink of Fall 2013 - you better believe I'm diving in head-first!

Ta-ta for now,

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