Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Snuffing the Candle

Ah, here we are once again, and also for the last time.
This summer has proven very productive and I thank those of you that have followed my progress. It's been fun, but now that I'm back at college, preparing to begin my Sophomore year, I am ready for summer to be over and to start classes. I'm very excited for the line-up this semester - lots of great classes and teachers! 

Here's my final report of progress. Looks like I was able to manage to read one book per week (give or take) and watched one movie every few days. Writing the book took a month and a half, but I finished it! That was the main goal of the summer, and I got it done. Huzzah! I think I will do something similar to this next year as well. I like to-do lists more than is good for me, I think....


Inheritance (of the Inheritance Cycle by Paolini) (5/11)
The Girl who Played with Fire (5/20)
Man's Search for Meaning (5/25)
The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest (5/31)
City of Bones (6/7)
City of Ashes (6/14)
City of Glass (6/23)
Clockwork Angel (7/15)
Clockwork Prince (7/20)
Clockwork Princess (7/25)
The Fellowship of the Ring (8/6)
The Two Towers (8/9)
The Return of the King (8/23)


Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (4/28-5/08)
Wreck-it-Ralph (5/07)
Cats Don't Dance (re-watch) (5/14)
Dinosaurs: We're Back! (5/14)
Road to El Dorado (re-watch) (5/20)
The Fountain (5/22)
Saving Private Ryan (5/24)
Swan Princess (5/31)
Swan Princess: Escape from Castle Mountain (5/31)
Swan Princess: The Mystery of the Enchanted Treasure
 (for old time's sake; I was obsessed with these movies as a child!) (6/1)
The Road (6/8)
500 Days of Summer (6/9)
The Possession (6/13)
Matrix Trilogy (re-watch) (6/15)
Avengers (rewatch) (7/2)
Phantom of the Opera (rewatch) (7/3)
Thor (7/3)
Bachelorette (7/4)
Mean Girls (rewatch) (7/4)
Tarzan (rewatch) (7/5)
Despicable Me (7/5)
Déjà vu (7/7)
The Island (7/10)
Hell's Kitchen [season 10] (7/7 – 7/16)
American Psycho (7/17)
Tron Legacy (7/26)
Elektra (7/27)
Pretty Woman (7/27)
Legion (8/6)
Fried Green Tomatoes (8/10)


Bioshock (6/3 – 3:55 PM to 11:58 PM = 8 hour completion)
Halo: Reach (6/4 – 9 hrs: 16 mins: 48 seconds on one day)
Bioshock Infinite (7/17 – around 8 hours for completion) Halo: Combat Evolved
Halo 2
Halo 3


Revise the living daylights out of first book in trilogy (5/21)
Outline second book (6/28)
Write prequel-sequel book (7/1 - 8/19) 

Well, here I am on the brink of Fall 2013 - you better believe I'm diving in head-first!

Ta-ta for now,

Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Fire Abates

Buon pomeriggio!

All right, folks, it's that time again. Time for a summer update (the penultimate one, in fact - hence Tarzan in disbelief and shock). I have certainly gotten a few things done (mainly books) since the last update in July, which is satisfying. I am one book shy of having the list finished (The Return of the King), and at the last update, it should be marked off the list. I am steadily getting through it, whereas The Fellowship and The Two Towers I was able to get through pretty quickly. This week has been fairly busy and finishing writing this sequel-prequel thing has been the priority. I plan to have that done before the first day of classes as well, but cross your fingers for me. I only have ten days until I zip out of here and to the Noke. Crazy, right? Summer is rapidly coming to a close.


Inheritance (of the Inheritance Cycle by Paolini) (5/11)
The Girl who Played with Fire (5/20)
Man's Search for Meaning (5/25)
The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest (5/31)
City of Bones (6/7)
City of Ashes (6/14)
City of Glass (6/23)
Clockwork Angel (7/15)
Clockwork Prince (7/20)
Clockwork Princess (7/25)
The Fellowship of the Ring (8/6)
The Two Towers (8/9)
The Return of the King (28.8% done!)


Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (4/28-5/08)
Wreck-it-Ralph (5/07)
Cats Don't Dance (re-watch) (5/14)
Dinosaurs: We're Back! (5/14)
Road to El Dorado (re-watch) (5/20)
The Fountain (5/22)
Saving Private Ryan (5/24)
Swan Princess (5/31)
Swan Princess: Escape from Castle Mountain (5/31)
Swan Princess: The Mystery of the Enchanted Treasure
 (for old time's sake; I was obsessed with these movies as a child!) (6/1)
The Road (6/8)
500 Days of Summer (6/9)
The Possession (6/13)
Matrix Trilogy (re-watch) (6/15)
Avengers (rewatch) (7/2)
Phantom of the Opera (rewatch) (7/3)
Thor (7/3)
Bachelorette (7/4)
Mean Girls (rewatch) (7/4)
Tarzan (rewatch) (7/5)
Despicable Me (7/5)
Déjà vu (7/7)
The Island (7/10)
Hell's Kitchen [season 10] (7/7 – 7/16)
American Psycho (7/17)
Tron Legacy (7/26)
Elektra (7/27)
Pretty Woman (7/27)
Legion (8/6)
Fried Green Tomatoes (8/10)


Bioshock (6/3 – 3:55 PM to 11:58 PM = 8 hour completion)
Halo: Reach (6/4 – 9 hrs: 16 mins: 48 seconds on one day)
Bioshock Infinite (7/17 – around 8 hours for completion)
Halo: Combat Evolved
Halo 2
Halo 3


Revise the living daylights out of first book in trilogy (5/21)
Outline second book (6/28)
Write second book (7/1 -    ) [I’m fifty thousand words in, with a bit more story to tell!]

Well that's it for me, it seems. Off to drink this strawberry-banana-blueberry smoothie I just made - and it's one of the frozen kind, so it's fresh and refreshing (:

I shall return to update again in ten days or so, unless I have something else that I simply must share between now and then.


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Thoughts of My Waking Dreams

Why is it so oddly satisfying to harmonize with humming household electronics? (Vacuums, pop corn makers, etc.)

If I was bald, I'd probably wear hats almost constantly.

When I was younger, I used to think ingesting blood would put it back into my bloodstream.

No matter up much I practice, I have realized I will never be proficient at speaking to unknown persons on the telephone (i.e. any sort of office, take-out food orders).

I think sneezing while driving is one of the most frightening experiences ever. Especially while on the highway.

Sometimes, if I laugh hard enough and I am simultaneously trying to keep quiet, I will start to squeak.

If you ever ask me the question "if you could pick a superpower, what would it be?" these are the top three answers I will give you: invisibility at will; selective telepathy; and the ability to see everything about myself through a stranger's eyes (looks, personality, behaviors, mannerisms, things I write, stuff I draw, speech patterns, etc.)

I get all my best writing ideas just as I'm falling asleep. If I don't write them down somewhere, they are 90% of the time lost forever. It's difficult to remember things thought of between sleep and wake unless I've left myself a reminder to find later. 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Song Questions

On the road trip to Norwalk, OH for the Pontiac Nationals this past weekend, I decided to put my entire iPod on shuffle (which is only 1,345 songs) and not skip any. The main rule of the game was to write down any questions the songs asked and answer them. I came up with this as I stared out the truck window at all the green mountains of Pennsylvania and figured I would give it a shot. Thus, below is the result of this little game.

“How do you feel about the ocean? How do you feel about the deep blue sea?” (Holiday by Future of Forestry)
It's pretty.

“Hey brother, do you remember when we used to play out doors till the light was absorbed by the night?” (Younglife by Anberlin)
First of all, I'm a female. Second, I do remember that. Kickball in the cul-de-sac till dark. 

“Hey lover, do you remember when we would dance in your apartment till neighbors would knock on your door?” (Younglife by Anberlin)
No, I don't remember that, actually.

“Do you remember when we had no money to speak of, nowhere else to eat but your floor?” (Younglife by Anberlin)
Yes, and we only ate on the floor because there were lots of people and not enough chairs. 

“Don't want to reach for me, do you?” (The Little Things Give You Away by Linkin Park)
Depends - who are you to me?

“Tell me Maria, why I see her dancing there - why her smoldering eyes still scorch my soul?” (Hellfire - Hunchback of Notre Dame)
I dunno, Frollo, I think you just really like her body and it’s driving you insane. Also, my name isn't Maria. 

“Am I supposed to be happy when all I ever wanted - it comes with a price?” (Cat and Mouse by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus)
Anything worth having never comes easy, or free. 

“Are we the same people as before this came to light?” (Cat and Mouse by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus)
Perhaps, perhaps not. People do have the capacity to change.

“Can you hear the echoes fading?” (In The Mourning by Paramore)

“How much pain has quaked your soul? How much love would make you whole?” (I Belong to You by Muse)
Those are some fairly personal questions, Mr. Bellamy. 
My soul is still pretty intact. As far as love, I'm already more than whole. 

“Will you help me find the right way out, or let me take the wrong way down? Will you straighten me out or make me take the long way around?” (The High Road by Three Days Grace)
I’ll try to lead you in the right direction and tell you when you're doing something you shouldn't be, but I promise I won't always be right. 

“Are you listening? Are you watching me? We have an emergency, so are you listening?” (Emergency by Paramore)
Yes; I wish; very intently. 

“Is this really happening?” (If It Means A Lot to You by A Day To Remember)
Yes. Yes it is.